Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Six foot fence.

According to Darryl of Daz’s Fencing, everyone wants a six-foot paling fence these days. One of our two backyard neighbours wanted one and we obliged by paying half the cost. Their back yard is now walled in by six-foot palings on three sides. Thankfully, a lower fence separates us from our other neighbour and it’s still possible to chat face-to-face, or pat their Irish Wolfhound who can easily peer over. Not so the other neighbours, it’s no longer possible to look over and greet Murphy the King Charles Cavalier every morning, and talking to him through the fence just isn’t the same. Ben could see over a six-foot fence if he wanted, though he rarely ventures out to the far corners of the yard. Our kitchen is high enough to see over the lower fence and we do occasionally watch newborn lambs playing in the garden or marvel at how the Wolfhound pays no attention to the chickens. I suspect that Jazz would be quite interested in chickens. Unfortunately it seems that illness is a bit like a fence, it keeps us in and other people out.

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