Sunday, March 30, 2014

Clint Eastwood.

While the name makes me think of a tough cowboy, an even tougher detective or an opinionated old bloke with a rifle, Ben thinks of this song by the Gorillaz:

(Gran Torino, web image)
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming on...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What’s in a name?

Starcraft II players use names like Classic, Maru, MarineKing, Terminator, Soulkey, Reality, PartinG, Dream, Hurricane, Super, Solar, Creator, DeParture and sOs. All the most successful players are from Korea and some use English versions of their Korean names like BByong and DongRaeGu (DRG). One player recently won $100,000 at a winner-take-all tournament in Katowice Poland. Ben thinks that I should learn how to play and, when asked what name I should use, thought for a while and then suggested Frack. I wouldn’t win very often and could loudly utter my new name after every game.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dark Souls 2.

We picked up the deluxe collector's edition of Dark Souls 2 on Thursday. The game comes with a cloth map, concept artwork booklet and a large hand-painted knight which now stands proudly on the kitchen shelf; beneath an Ork Mek Boss and beside the Dalai Lama. The hand painting was good but Ben’s using his painting skills to improve it significantly. The game hasn’t been played yet and won’t be attempted until the arrival of a Dark Souls 2 Strategy Guide pre-ordered from Amazon a few weeks ago.

Friday, March 7, 2014


The neighbour a few doors away is having two large trees removed this morning. Chainsaws make very annoying noises but far worse is the massive wood-chipping machine that’s been running for the last few hours. Ben’s coping by wearing ear plugs and industrial ear muffs while also sleeping in as he usually does. Noise is a continuing problem in this house. Our teenage next-door neighbours often get carried away and play very-loud-and-fairly-awful music in their house or cars. Worse still was “doof-doof man” around the corner whose sub-woofer vibrations registered on the richter scale. A near altercation with another neighbour and, at another time, a call to the local police seems to have quieted him down. Finally, and at the low end of the noise scale, our fridge is a continual source of annoyance. The industrial ear muffs are worn to block the sound or, alternatively, the fridge gets switched off for a while.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Less Miserable.

(web image)
Ben reports he’s feeling much better lately, which is very good news. Our fairly frequent film viewing has expanded from the Sci Fi and Zombie genres to Westerns and even a musical, Les Miserables with Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Borat and others. The story is quite good and it was a revelation to discover that Russell Crowe can sing as well as act and manage a rugby team. And Hugh Jackman can sing too! Perhaps we all can but don’t have the training to sing well. One slight drawback is that a story moves fairly slowly when characters sing all the time and we kept wondering when we’d reached the half-way point. I think we’re now close the end as Javert, unable to forgive himself or anyone else, has just toppled off a parapet into the ocean.