Thursday, September 22, 2011

Camped in the state forest.

Ben's set up camp in the state forest, off Mt Paris Dam Road, about 5km from Weldborough. He tells me, "the dukes been a bit lethargic on startups, flooded for today..." so a new glass-fibre battery and spark plugs have been added to the shopping list, along with a replacement speedo cable and oil filter. Some items have been purchased already (just in case, and just as well!) Looks like we'll be spending a few hours next week getting the transportation back into good order. The other request was to bring over Ben's old running shoes since running has recently been added to the outdoor fitness regime. Oh yes, almost forgot, must remember to buy an extra vanilla slice (or two) at the Scottsdale Bakery on Saturday morning. Could be wrong but I don't think that vanilla slices are part of the fitness regime.

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