Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where's the plug?

It was only a few weeks ago that we rode and drove along one of the rough narrow roads to the north of Weldborough. The road started near a town called Moorina, crossed the Frome River and headed ever upwards into the mountains. It wasn't all that reassuring to see a tractor towing a 4WD back towards the highway but we pressed on at a sedate 20kph, carefully avoiding the ruts and washouts. Tasmania is often surprising and the first surprise was a large timber house sited just beside the road. The occupants, if there were any, had certainly found a remote location in which to live. The second surprise appeared as a clearing in the forest and turned out to be the Frome Reservoir. A narrow track lead downwards to the left, too narrow and steep for the car but easy for the bike. The reservoir was empty, someone had pulled the plug. Ben demonstrated his balancing skills while I went searching for the plug.

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