Thursday, June 2, 2011

Eating healthy.

Myrtle forest Weldborough
(web image - Rob Blakers)
Ben tells me he's been buying food in supermarkets and eating healthy. Breakfast, for example, consisted of bread, fruit, nuts and "a few handfuls or cereal". Those would be literal handfuls, since he hasn't got a bowl or spoon at the current campsite. He's "almost vegetarian" however, when asked what he ate for lunch, there was a slight delay before the reply, "two sausage rolls and a pie!" Can't blame him, those local bakeries are really good. Two local gem collectors kindly left a folder of information on the seat of his bike. The folder had maps and details of seldom-visited sites. Finally, when asked about a favourite place in NE Tasmania, the answer was very definitely Weldborough. Another favourite place is the Myrtle forest and a walking trail just off the main highway.

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