Friday, May 18, 2012

Which way now?

The pines are busily whispering today, gossiping amongst themselves as they stand tall and observe; all the while feigning disinterest in events below. Their hushed mockery continues as a battered blue ute turns into the driveway, drops off its passenger then reverses quickly away. One of the locals, who doesn't drive, shuffles towards the house. Under his cardigan he's wearing a faded pink T-shirt displaying the words ‘Stroke my ego' and in his hands he's carrying a container of pumpkin soup for my dinner - a thank you for doing a little bit of shopping yesterday.

It's dark, windy and wet tonight. It must have been very difficult to camp out and ride a motorbike in these conditions. Thankfully the cottage is cosy and comfortable; "a stable base from which to study or work," that was the plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blog is now John's in Tassie
Tess :)